英検1級1次試験英作文サンプル Agree or disagree: World peace is an achievable goal.

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文章の構成は、PREP、すなわち、Point(主張)、Reason(理由)、Example(具体例)、そして再びPointの順になっています。PREPについては、遠田和子 / 岩淵デボラ『英語「なるほど!」ライティング』(講談社インターナショナル、2007年)CHAPTER 12「英文はとにかく『結論が先』-『起承転結』から抜け出そう」CHAPTER 13「エッセイを書こう-PREP手法」(P190-215)をご参照ください。

ここでは主張を明確にするため、最初に”I think”や”I do not think”と書いていません。詳細は、遠田和子 / 岩淵デボラ『英語「なるほど!」ライティング』(講談社インターナショナル、2007年)CHAPTER 9「自信を持って言い切ろう」「2 「思います」とI thinkのニュアンスは別」(P146-147)をご参照ください。


Agree or disagree: World peace is an achievable goal

World peace is not an achievable goal for three reasons: faction, poverty and human nature.

First, people make groups based on religion, ethnicity or other things, which divides them into friends and enemies and causes feuds. For example, in Northern Ireland, major Protestants persecuted minor Roman Catholics and the Catholic Irish Republican Army resisted the U.K. government. It is ideal for all mankind to unite, however, experience shows that it is hard.

Second, there are the wealthy and the poor in the world. The latter has a slim chance to emerge from their situations since they have no education and career, resulting in committing crimes. For instance, while children in rich countries can have access to the Internet for study as schools are closed due to COVID-19, ones in poor states cannot afford to do so and are forced to work, sometimes illegally. Such circumstances lead to turmoil easily.

Third, human beings are absurd, choosing an unreasonable option to attack others, even when it is a loss. Say, Vladimir Putin decided to invade Ukraine and has continued it, although Russia is sanctioned by Western countries and is almost losing. The Russian President cannot concede defeat, possibly due to his pride. Persons often prioritize emotion.

World peace is an elusive goal. But, we should make the best efforts to approach it.


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