英検1級1次試験英作文サンプル Agree or disagree: The advantages of remote work outweigh the disadvantages.

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文章の構成は、PREP、すなわち、Point(主張)、Reason(理由)、Example(具体例)、そして再びPointの順になっています。PREPについては、遠田和子 / 岩淵デボラ『英語「なるほど!」ライティング』(講談社インターナショナル、2007年)CHAPTER 12「英文はとにかく『結論が先』-『起承転結』から抜け出そう」CHAPTER 13「エッセイを書こう-PREP手法」(P190-215)をご参照ください。

ここでは主張を明確にするため、最初に”I think”や”I do not think”と書いていません。詳細は、遠田和子 / 岩淵デボラ『英語「なるほど!」ライティング』(講談社インターナショナル、2007年)CHAPTER 9「自信を持って言い切ろう」「2 「思います」とI thinkのニュアンスは別」(P146-147)をご参照ください。


Agree or disagree: The advantages of remote work outweigh the disadvantages.

The advantages of remote work outweigh the disadvantages for three reasons: commutation, health and communication.

First, remote work eases the burden of commutation. While you usually have to go to work by train, by car or using other ways, which needs time and costs, remote work needs no time to commute and no train fares or gasoline bills. In addition, even when heavy rain or a typhoon occurs, you can work at home without danger, which companies benefit from, too.

Second, remote work is helpful for health. It is hard to work when you are sick, however, remote work can minimize the challenge. Furthermore, if you work with your colleagues while suffering an infection, you risk their health. Remote work can prevent such viruses, including COVID-19, from spreading.

Third, remote work facilitates communications at home. As you can stay home longer, you can share your time with your family. In particular, when you have young children, you can take care of them while working. Indeed, you may reduce communications with your coworkers due to such a work style, but, you can interact with them via software like Zoom and can sometimes meet them in person.

Remote work may not be perfect, nonetheless, have more good things than bad ones.


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