英検1級1次試験英作文サンプル Which is more important, technology or art?

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文章の構成は、PREP、すなわち、Point(主張)、Reason(理由)、Example(具体例)、そして再びPointの順になっています。PREPについては、遠田和子 / 岩淵デボラ『英語「なるほど!」ライティング』(講談社インターナショナル、2007年)CHAPTER 12「英文はとにかく『結論が先』-『起承転結』から抜け出そう」CHAPTER 13「エッセイを書こう-PREP手法」(P190-215)をご参照ください。

ここでは主張を明確にするため、最初に”I think”や”I do not think”と書いていません。詳細は、遠田和子 / 岩淵デボラ『英語「なるほど!」ライティング』(講談社インターナショナル、2007年)CHAPTER 9「自信を持って言い切ろう」「2 「思います」とI thinkのニュアンスは別」(P146-147)をご参照ください。


Which is more important, technology or art?

Both technology and art are important for three reasons: emotion, design and interaction.

First, technology is based on science, which cannot analyze emotion. While science reviews the world reasonably and objectively, humans are emotional and subjective, which is incompatible with science. For example, Michael Faraday, an English physicist and chemist, pointed out that tears were just water and salts chemically, but a mother’s ones for her child had deep affection. Science is not able to represent feelings, hence art is a necessity.

Second, only technology cannot make goods, so design is required. For instance, when considering the iPhone, Steve Jobs ordered his employees to create not only a functional but also simple and sleek one, therefore design was significant. Technology is supplemented by design and design builds on art.

Last but not least, art is also supplemented by technology. Tools are essential to produce works of art and such tools are supported by technology. Say, Ludwig van Beethoven asked for a higher quality piano, and the one inspired him. His piano sonatas were composed as pianos advanced. Meanwhile, after retiring from recitals, Glenn Gould broke new ground on piano works with techniques such as recording and music editing, which was a breakthrough at that time. Additionally, today, the Internet propagates much music for free. Art needs technology.

Technology and art are complementary to each other, so both are indispensable.


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