英検1級1次試験英作文サンプル Agree or disagree: School sports are as crucial as academic studies.

本サンプルは、オンライン英語学校のバリューイングリッシュで受けた指導に基づいています。「英検®1級ライティング 対策 添削コース」によるものですが、文責は管理人にあります。



文章の構成は、PREP、すなわち、Point(主張)、Reason(理由)、Example(具体例)、そして再びPointの順になっています。PREPについては、遠田和子 / 岩淵デボラ『英語「なるほど!」ライティング』(講談社インターナショナル、2007年)CHAPTER 12「英文はとにかく『結論が先』-『起承転結』から抜け出そう」CHAPTER 13「エッセイを書こう-PREP手法」(P190-215)をご参照ください。

ここでは主張を明確にするため、最初に”I think”や”I do not think”と書いていません。詳細は、遠田和子 / 岩淵デボラ『英語「なるほど!」ライティング』(講談社インターナショナル、2007年)CHAPTER 9「自信を持って言い切ろう」「2 「思います」とI thinkのニュアンスは別」(P146-147)をご参照ください。


Agree or disagree: School sports are as crucial as academic studies.

School sports are as crucial as academic studies from three perspectives: quality of life (QOL), equality of opportunity, and synergy effect.

First, school sports, including academic research, are the base for better QOL. They improve not only children’s physical ability but also discipline, humanity, and other elements that are needed to live, so they enrich pupils’ school life as well as their later life. A healthy body and a sound spirit are the firmest foundations of happiness.

Second, school sports offer children equal opportunities to enjoy and experience sports. A happy and rich life through sports is the right for all people, however, whether children can play some sports or not depends on their parents’ status, especially the economic one. Thanks to school sports, children, including poor ones, are provided with facilities and tools, and diverse options for free, which may be a way to discover the talents of professional players.

Last but not least, sports and academic work are complementary to each other. For example, in the past, drinking water during or after training was prohibited at schools in Japan without any explanation. Yet now, drinking sports beverages is recommended according to scientific insights. In addition, rational training can help develop athletes more effectively, in turn, the results contribute to medicine or physiology as feedback. In the first place, sports should not be separated from learning.

For the above-mentioned reasons, sports are as indispensable at school as academic studies.


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