英検1級1次試験英作文サンプル Global overpopulation is a serious threat to the future of humankind.

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文章の構成は、PREP、すなわち、Point(主張)、Reason(理由)、Example(具体例)、そして再びPointの順になっています。PREPについては、遠田和子 / 岩淵デボラ『英語「なるほど!」ライティング』(講談社インターナショナル、2007年)CHAPTER 12「英文はとにかく『結論が先』-『起承転結』から抜け出そう」CHAPTER 13「エッセイを書こう-PREP手法」(P190-215)をご参照ください。

ここでは主張を明確にするため、最初に”I think”や”I do not think”と書いていません。詳細は、遠田和子 / 岩淵デボラ『英語「なるほど!」ライティング』(講談社インターナショナル、2007年)CHAPTER 9「自信を持って言い切ろう」「2 「思います」とI thinkのニュアンスは別」(P146-147)をご参照ください。


Global overpopulation is a serious threat to the future of humankind.

Global overpopulation is not a serious threat to the future of humankind from three perspectives: food and water, energy, and poverty programs.

First and foremost, to supply enough food for people all over the world, cellular agriculture/aquaculture will bring about alternative foods. For example, in December 2020, the US startup Eat Just marketed cultured chicken in Singapore for the first time. It will contribute not only to food security but also reducing agricultural water consumption. In addition, water treatment techniques are useful to secure sufficient water.

Second, renewables can be alternative energy sources to address the expected overwhelming demand for energy brought about by overpopulation. Fossil fuels such as oil or gas will be depleted sooner or later. But, renewable energies, including solar power, hydropower, or geothermal power, are sustainable, helping the human race survive while preserving natural resources.

Last but not least, to tackle the population explosion, a variety of approaches are being conducted. The problem belongs to developing countries as poor families have many children due to the need for the workforce, high infant mortality, or ignorance of contraception. Yet, some means such as the antipoverty policy, the improved medical system, women’s education or employment, or the respect for reproductive health/rights will lead to solving the issue.

Indeed, global overpopulation can never be a threat to the future of humankind, since we have potent options to deal with it.


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