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文章の構成は、PREP、すなわち、Point(主張)、Reason(理由)、Example(具体例)、そして再びPointの順になっています。PREPについては、遠田和子 / 岩淵デボラ『英語「なるほど!」ライティング』(講談社インターナショナル、2007年)CHAPTER 12「英文はとにかく『結論が先』-『起承転結』から抜け出そう」CHAPTER 13「エッセイを書こう-PREP手法」(P190-215)をご参照ください。

ここでは主張を明確にするため、最初に”I think”や”I don’t think”と言っていません。詳細は、遠田和子 / 岩淵デボラ『英語「なるほど!」ライティング』(講談社インターナショナル、2007年)CHAPTER 9「自信を持って言い切ろう」「2 「思います」とI thinkのニュアンスは別」(P146-147)をご参照ください。


Should the Japan Self-Defense Forces play an active role in world peacekeeping?

The SDF should play an active role for some reasons.

First, Japan needs to contribute more in view of the world’s circumstances. The U.S. power is dwindling, although the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is getting stronger. If dictatorships like China have more power, democracy will be threatened. So, Japan has to make efforts to balance the political power.

Second, Japan should work to gain confidence from its allies. In the Gulf War, Japan was denounced since it just supplied money but didn’t provide manpower. As a result, Japanese laws were revised to distribute the SDF around the world permanently. Japan should devote itself to peace.

Endeavors are needed to protect peace, hence, Japan has to do what it can do.

Agree or disagree: The extinction of minority languages is a great loss for humankind.

The extinction is a great loss for some reasons.

First, the extinction can lead to the elimination of unique cultures. For example, the Japanese word “mugi” includes barley, wheat and rye, but there isn’t an English word equal to mugi. Various thoughts should be protected.

Second, the extinction can result in repression. A language represents its ethnic power. For instance, the domination of the English language causes those who speak in a minority language to get weaker. We should minimize such a situation as much as possible.

Diversity brings great benefits to the world, so it should be respected.

Should democratic nations actively promote the spread of democracy to nondemocratic nations?

Democratic nations should spread democracy for some reasons.

First, in a democracy, mistakes can be easily revised. Everyone makes mistakes, but authoritarian countries cannot correct them. For example, the Chinese government stuck to the zero-COVID policy, perhaps for President Xi Jinping’s dignity. As a result, the head’s inappropriate decision was harmful to people.

Second, nondemocratic states crack down on dissidents. For instance, Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, arrests protesters to continue the invasion of Ukraine, without confirming his failure. Thus, it isn’t undesirable to Russian citizens.

Democracy may not be perfect, nevertheless, at least it’s better than dictatorship.

Does there need to be stricter government regulation of the Internet?

There is no need for some reasons.

First, people should have the right to speak. If the government regulates it, the right will be compromised. Hate speech is rampant, although such speeches should be controlled by private organizations and self-regulations.

Second, people should have the right to information. If the government manages it, misconduct will be hidden. For example, the Russians don’t know the details of the war against Ukraine, as authorities conceal unfavorable facts on the Internet. Information is indispensable to understand what happens now.

The Internet may not be perfect, nevertheless, it shouldn’t be regulated by the government.

How should we deal with the issue?

We should deal with the issue using solutions other than government regulations, such as by facilitating trials. In the first place, the Internet is just a new born baby, still in its infancy, so we should look at the future developments carefully.

Is Japan’s economic development more important than protecting its cultural heritage?

Economic development isn’t more important for some reasons.

First, cultural heritage represents the past. For example, the Atomic Bomb Dome in Hiroshima may be just ruins and economically useless, but delivers the misery of an atomic bomb. We should respect the past and pass it to the future.

Second, traditional intangible cultural heritage reminds us of our ancestors. The dead may not be the workforce, but all people are from their earlier generations, and we should reflect on the fact using Buddhist services or other ways.

Economic development focuses on the present, nevertheless, we should consider the past and the future.

Should developed countries accept climate refugees?

Developed countries should accept climate refugees for some reasons.

First, climate change is mainly from developed countries, as they emit more carbon dioxide. Economic activities create a deteriorating climate, contributing to the predicament of nations. So, they are responsible for the victims.

Second, accepting climate refugees contributes to international cooperation. The more friends you have, the larger your influence will be. In addition, connections with other countries result in sustainable economic stability, especially for nations where food self-sufficiency is low and natural resources are scarce like Japan.

Climate crisis is a problem for all people, hence, wealthy nations should help poor ones.

Should the government impose a heavy tax on the businesses that harm the environment?

It should impose a heavy tax for some reasons.

First, we are responsible for the future generation, and should protect the environment for them. Many companies boost their production for economic development, but we shouldn’t sacrifice the environment, and should impose taxes if they damage the environment severely.

Second, such a heavy tax promotes the introduction of cleaner energy. For example, if governments impose carbon taxes on the industries that emit carbon dioxide heavily, it’ll encourage them to use renewables.

Businesses are built on earth. Hence, if you choose immediate profits over the environment, it’s putting the cart before the horse.

Should more be done to protect the cultures of the world’s indigenous people?

More should be done to protect the cultures for some reasons.

First, if a culture is lost, the interpretation of the world will also be lost. For example, the Japanese word “mugi” includes barley, wheat and rye, but there isn’t an English word equal to mugi. To protect the varieties of languages is to protect the varieties of views.

Second, indigenous people help preserve our environment. For instance, Australian Aborigines have fire prevention measures to prevent large fires by causing small fires intentionally. To make use of such wisdom, minority cultures should be protected.

Diversity brings great benefits to the world, so minority groups should be respected.

Can the world live without oil?

The world can live without oil for some reasons.

First, there is nuclear power generation. Now, given that Russia may reduce the exports of oil and natural gas, nuclear power is regarded as its alternative. In addition, new types of reactors, such as small modular ones, are being developed. It’s the most effective energy for now.

Second, renewable energy, including wind, solar power, hydropower or geothermal power is advancing, and has many advantages over oil. For example, it’s sustainable and doesn’t emit carbon dioxide, contributing to limitations on global warming.

Oil will be depleted sooner or later, so we have to live without oil, and we already have options to do so.

What’s small modular reactors? Could you explain it in detail?

Due to its compact and modular design, a small modular reactor has a small footprint, and can be built at a factory, then shipped to the site. In addition, it can generate combined heat and power, having more applications other than electricity generation, such as sea water desalination, district heating, coal gasification and hydrogen generation.

Can the human race live in harmony with the natural world?

The human race can live in harmony for some reasons.

First, we can use renewable energy instead of fossil fuels or wood. For example, many trees are cut in the Amazon, however, by using renewables, we can live without spending too much on natural resources.

Second, we can use genetic engineering technology. For instance, we used to extract insulin from pigs, but the amount was too small to satisfy demand. Now, thanks to technology, we can mass produce it without hurting any animals.

So, we already have options to live with the natural world.

Agree or disagree: Journalism benefits from the rise of social media.

Journalism benefits from social media for some reasons.

First, social media advances PR. In the past, media could promote programs or articles only in limited ways, such as commercials or paper advertisements. But now, they can use SNS to promote PR activities. SNS can reach a wide audience.

Second, SNS improves immediacy. For instance, formerly, news was sent with TV programs or paper materials, being difficult to tell immediately. But now, we can carry information right after events occurred. It’s good news for journalism.

Indeed, social media may be a threat to traditional media, nevertheless, they can coexist due to the above-mentioned reasons.

Should there be any limits on the right to freedom of speech?

There shouldn’t be any limits for some reasons.

First, if authorities restrict freedom, people will lose power to fight authoritarianism. For example, in Russia, as ordinary people have no right to speak, they cannot stop the conflict against Ukraine, which isn’t beneficial to Russian citizens.

Second, people tend to stick to their opinions. For instance, in the U.S., pro-abortion and anti-abortion factions are vehemently attacking each other and unlikely to compromise. If the opinions of one side are prohibited in such a situation, strife may be complicated.

Hence, no restrictions to voice their opinions are needed.

Can modern farming provide sustainable food in our warming world?

Modern farming can provide sustainable food for some reasons.

First, aquaculture has advanced. For example, inland aquaculture can control the breeding environment, enhancing productivity while reducing the environmental load. Thanks to this method, humans don’t need to depend on oceans or rivers, when the global climate is getting warmer.

Second, agriculture in water has developed. For instance, using vertical farming, it’s possible without ground, namely, vegetables and fruits are able to be grown in a building. The so-called “plants for plants” can be created in harsh environments.

So, we’ll be able to have enough food in the future.

What’s vertical farming? Could you explain it in detail?

Vertical farming is the practice of growing crops in vertically stacked layers in a structure. It can increase crop yield with a smaller land, and cultivate a larger variety of crops at once, because crops don’t share the same plots. In addition, because of its limited land usage, it’s less disruptive to the native plants and animals, leading to further conservation of the local flora and fauna.

Agree or disagree: Do you think online media is destroying current print journalism?

Online media isn’t destroying print journalism for some reasons.

First, printed materials don’t depend on technology. Online media requires gadgets, which means if they are no longer produced or even the Internet is offline, we may not be able to have access to the media. In addition, gadgets go out of date, so they are less sustainable than paper.

Second, printed materials are easier to possess. When an organization manages distributed electronic data, it can always delete them without notice. Furthermore, online media is exposed to hacking and identity theft. Paper materials can be held readily and safely.

Electronic media has many advantages, nevertheless, they cannot replace printed materials due to the above-mentioned reasons.

Does the government have the responsibility for economic refugees?

The government has the responsibility for some reasons.

First, thanks to globalization, nations are connected with each other, so economic refugees are our responsibility, and the government should accept them. In addition, such refugees can serve as the workforce.

Second, it’ll promote international cooperation. The more friends you have, the larger your influence will be. In addition, connections with other countries result in sustainable economic stability, especially for nations where food self-sufficiency is low and natural resources are scarce like Japan.

Hence, the government has the responsibility for economic refugees.

Is Japan doing enough to ensure its national security?

Japan isn’t doing enough for some reasons.

First, the Japanese government decided to increase its defense budget, but given the current situation, it needs to hammer out the details, including financial resources. The U.S. power is dwindling, although the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is getting stronger, and North Korea has launched ballistic missiles. In addition, legislation against cyber attacks should be enacted.

Second, Japan is reluctant to accept immigrants. The more friends you have, the larger your influence will be. As Japan is a nation where food self-sufficiency is low and natural resources are scarce, it should promote international cooperation and help other countries.

So, Japan should make more efforts to ensure its national security.

Should all nations have the right to develop nuclear energy?

All nations should have the right for some reasons.

First, to develop energy is a basic right for all nations. Indeed, nuclear energy is a threat to the world, as it can be converted into nuclear bombs. So, the International Atomic Energy Agency monitors nuclear facilities around the world.

Second, every human has the right to a healthy life, and nuclear energy is an effective source. In addition, new types of reactors, such as small modular ones, are being developed, and can contribute to remote areas.

So, the right should be protected.

What’s small modular reactors? Could you explain it in detail?

Due to its compact and modular design, a small modular reactor has a small footprint, and can be built at a factory, then shipped to the site. In addition, it can generate combined heat and power, having more applications other than electricity generation, such as sea water desalination, district heating, coal gasification and hydrogen generation.

Agree or disagree: A rising population is advantageous to developing countries.

A rising population isn’t advantageous to such countries for some reasons.

First, in developing countries, poor families have many children due to the need for the workforce and high infant mortality. So, the issue should be solved with the antipoverty policy and the improved medical system.

Second, these nations often ignore or even prohibit contraception, because of ignorant women and traditional practice. Hence, women should be better educated, and reproductive health/rights should be more respected.

As such, a rising population isn’t advantageous to such countries in the present way.

Should abortions be accepted?

Abortions should be accepted for some reasons.

First, there are different types of pregnancies. For example, gestation may put an expectant mother at risk, jeopardizing not only her health but also future fertility. In addition, considering the cases of rape or incest, abortions as remedies should be permitted.

Second, eradicating abortions is unrealistic. If abortions are banned, botched illegal procedures by pregnant women themselves or illegal doctors will be rampant, causing many women to die. To prohibit abortions doesn’t wipe out themselves but safe access to them.

Ideally, abortions should vanish, nevertheless, they shouldn’t be outlawed.

Should capital punishment be banned globally?

Capital punishment should be banned for some reasons.

First, capital punishment isn’t a deterrent. People sometimes perpetrate crimes as they want to die. They are desperate to kill many people, as they hope to be sentenced to death by authorities. Thus, we should give them not death but life imprisonment to reconsider what they did.

Second, capital punishment is irreversible. If the sentence is false, it’s too late to strike it down after a death-row inmate was killed. Hence, we should determine verdicts carefully, and establish a system based on the fact that everyone makes mistakes.

Death isn’t the best way to punish crimes, so capital punishment should be banned.

Is life imprisonment effective?

Dostoevsky says in his novel, “make a prisoner dig a hole, and fill it in again, over and over, and he or she will go crazy.” The maximum penalty isn’t death, but a meaningless life.

Is the shrinking of the world economy inevitable?

The shrinking isn’t inevitable for some reasons.

First, innovations can boost the economy. For example, regenerated fibers are more eco-friendly than synthetic fibers, as they use less water, produce less carbon dioxide emissions, and can be recycled. Innovations can bring benefits while reducing the environmental load.

Second, the world can develop itself with renewable energy. Fossil fuels will be depleted sooner or later, however, renewables are sustainable and don’t emit carbon dioxide, helping maintain or even expand the economy.

So, the shrinking can be avoided.

What’s regenerated fibers? Could you explain it in detail?

Regenerated fibers, like rayon, are made from cellulose-based fibers that originate from plants, such as wood pulp. In addition, they can also be made of PET bottles, although microplastics from synthetic fibers adversely affect the ecosystem.

Will the United States remain the world’s leading superpower?

The U.S. doesn’t remain a superpower for some reasons.

First, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is getting stronger, although the U.S. power is dwindling. For example, in the past, the U.S. called itself the world’s police, and sent troops to defend democracy, however, they have no margins to protect people from other countries.

Second, the U.S. has a divide within itself. For instance, pro-abortion and anti-abortion factions are vehemently attacking each other and unlikely to compromise. The integration of the U.S. is getting more difficult.

So, it’s hard for the U.S. to remain the world’s leading superpower.

Agree or disagree: Urbanization has gone too far.

Urbanization has gone too far for some reasons.

First, urbanization has increased the burden of commuting. As it’s difficult to have a place in a big city, employees have to go to work from the suburbs, which costs them commuting time and train fares, and makes it difficult to spend quality time with their family members.

Second, urbanization has brought about vulnerability to natural disasters, such as fires, earthquakes or flooding, which may cause considerable damage, like broken glasses from buildings or train cancellations. In addition, it’s susceptible to an infectious disease, leading to a pandemic.

So, excessive urbanization should be alleviated.

Don’t urban areas have more medical facilities?

Indeed, urban areas have enough medical facilities both in quality and in quantity, but in the first place, rural areas have little possibility of spreading an infectious disease, thanks to their sparse populations. To alleviate urbanization is a preventive measure to prevent a pandemic.

Are scientific efforts to bring back extinct species a waste of time?

Such efforts aren’t a waste of time for some reasons.

First, the environment with only a few species is vulnerable. For example, in the 19th century, an infectious disease caused a terrible potato famine in Ireland, as uniform genes couldn’t resist the infection. Biodiversity ensures adaptability.

Second, even if the efforts fail, they may bring brand-new methods which can be used in other applications. For instance, if genetics is developed, how to heal disease could be discovered. Endeavors encourage serendipity.

So, such efforts should be exerted.

Should Internet advertising be more strictly regulated?

Internet advertising shouldn’t be more strictly regulated for some reasons.

First, people, including advertisers, should have the right to speak. If the government regulates advertisements, the right will be compromised. Falsehoods should be banned, although advertising should be controlled by private organizations and self-regulations.

Second, people should have the right to information. If the government manages it, misconduct will be hidden. For example, commercials against state policies may be banned, as authorities conceal unfavorable facts on the Internet. Information is indispensable to understand what happens now.

Internet advertising may not be perfect, nevertheless, it shouldn’t be regulated by the government.

How should we deal with the issue?

We should deal with the issue using solutions other than government regulations, such as by facilitating trials. In the first place, the Internet is just a new born baby, still in its infancy, so we should look at the future developments carefully.

Should people change their lifestyles to help protect the environment?

People should change their lifestyles for some reasons.

First, we should avoid food waste. Especially in developed countries, many foods that can be eaten are dumped, due to tiny defects or past their best-before dates. We should distribute and buy such foods to curb global warming, as carbon dioxide emissions during waste incineration can be reduced.

Second, we should be aware of sustainable fashion. To make clothes, we use much water and emit carbon dioxide, so we should reduce, repair and reuse clothes more. Essentially, there is no “use-by date” in fashion. We should develop the concept that wearing clothes for a long time is “cool”.

So, people should change their lifestyles to help protect the environment.

Is the impact of environmental pollution irreversible?

The impact of environmental pollution isn’t irreversible for some reasons.

First, bioremediation can remediate the environment. The biotechnology decomposes pollutants using microorganisms. In addition, the reactivity of it can be strengthened by gene recombination. Genetic engineering contributes to it.

Second, air pollution results from toxic substances by social activities, so if humans control their actions, they can reduce such materials. In reality, efforts, including the introduction of electric vehicles, are made to do so.

The impact of environmental pollution is serious, however, never irreversible.

Which is more important for reversing environmental damage, technology or human behavior?

Human behavior is more important for some reasons.

First, human behavior itself causes environmental damage. For example, air pollution results from toxic substances by social activities, so if humans control their actions, they can reduce such materials. It depends on people.

Second, human behavior may spoil the results of restoration. For instance, bioremediation can remediate the environment, however, mankind may harm the recovered environment again. It’s left to people.

It’s people that use technology, so human behavior takes precedence over technology.

Should governments be responsible to ensure health systems?

Governments should be responsible for some reasons.

First, governments have the responsibility for insurance. Welfare is a basic right for the public. Without insurance, like in the U.S., those who have little money cannot take adequate medical treatment. Due to its scale and unprofitability, only nations can introduce and maintain the system.

Second, governments have the duties to support medical institutions. For example, in Japan, during the pandemic, some hospitals were overwhelmed. States should provide enough medical resources, and coordinate the role-sharing among healthcare providers.

Private sectors are insufficient for public services, so governments should ensure health systems.

Can science and technology be relied on as the way to solve all the problems?

They cannot be relied on to do so for some reasons.

First, science and technology cannot choose their results. For example, nuclear power is beneficial to produce massive energy, however, like in Fukushima, inflicting undesirable massive damage, too. Science and technology are often beyond human control.

Second, science and technology cannot choose their purposes. For instance, nuclear power is an effective energy source, but it’s also used to make nuclear bombs, which cause not only devastating damage but also radioactive contamination. How to use science and technology is left to people.

Science and technology aren’t universal panaceas, so we can never rely on them entirely.

Are modern methods of food production sustainable in the long term?

Modern methods are sustainable for some reasons.

First, aquaculture has advanced. For example, inland aquaculture can control the breeding environment, enhancing productivity while reducing the environmental load. Thanks to the method, humans don’t need to depend on oceans or rivers, which also leads to preserving marine organisms.

Second, agriculture in water has developed. For instance, using vertical farming, it’s possible without ground, namely, vegetables and fruits are able to be grown in a building. The so-called “plants for plants” can be created in harsh environments.

So, we’ll be able to have enough food in the future.

What’s vertical farming? Could you explain it in detail?

Vertical farming is the practice of growing crops in vertically stacked layers in a structure. It can increase crop yield with a smaller land, and cultivate a larger variety of crops at once, because crops don’t share the same plots. In addition, because of its limited land usage, it’s less disruptive to the native plants and animals, leading to further conservation of the local flora and fauna.

Should decentralization of power be a key goal of the government?

Decentralization should be a key goal for some reasons.

First, decentralization leads to more appropriate decision-making. For example, the suitable details of schools or hospitals depend on local situations. Uniform standards imposed by the central government aren’t necessarily effective.

Second, decentralization increases innovation. For instance, if local governments can build roads at their disposal, they make it easier to attract tourists to sightseeing spots. They can tap their regional resources better.

Locals know their own locality, so decentralization of power and finances should be encouraged.

Do the advantages of jury trials outweigh the disadvantages?

The advantages don’t outweigh the disadvantages for some reasons.

First, trials should be done by competent judges. Jurors aren’t professionals and have no knowledge on laws and regulations. In addition, they have no ability to consider precedents, causing them to make an inappropriate judgment.

Second, the jury tends to be sensational. For example, while white jurors may support a white defendant, the same goes for black jurors. In addition, when a child or a young person was killed, jurors may make a hasty decision emotionally. It’s against the spirit of the rule.

So, the advantages of jury trials don’t outweigh the disadvantages.

Are there any other disadvantages of jury trials?

Jurors are temporary, so they can decide without fearing the influence of their decision on their own future. On the other hand, judges have to rule rationally, as emotional judgements may damage their careers.

Agree or disagree: The media exaggerates the problem of juvenile crime.

The media exaggerates the problem for some reasons.

First, news about young people can be shocking and get people’s attention. So, the media shows more stories to get more people to watch or read their news. Furthermore, the viral spread of such news invokes copycat crimes.

Second, the media makes a story sound more exciting, making the problem seem bigger or scarier. In addition, they show stories that support their own opinions, leading to a biased view of the problem.

The media’s job is to entertain an audience to make a profit, so they tend to exaggerate the problem to do so.

Can Japan ever repeat the successful economic performance it enjoyed in the past?

Japan cannot repeat the success for some reasons.

First, the Japanese working system is already old-fashioned. In the past, the system based on simultaneous recruiting of new graduates, seniority and lifetime employment was effective, but now, the world focuses on a job-intensive and performance-based style. So, it’s difficult for Japan to give an outstanding performance.

Second, Japan is an aging society, hence, the population of younger people is smaller, having more burden to support many old people. In addition, it implies Japan no longer has any activity or innovative power.

As such, it’s hard for Japan to revive the economy.

Should vaccines be optional or mandatory?

Vaccines should be optional for some reasons.

First, vaccines have side effects. For example, it may cause nausea, dizziness or malaise. Furthermore, in the worst scenario, those who get vaccinated may die. People are inoculated at their own risk, hence, vaccination should be voluntary.

Second, in the first place, some cannot get vaccinated due to disorders. It will be dangerous for them to get inoculated. In addition, others cannot do so for religious reasons. The freedom to reject vaccines should be respected.

To get vaccinated is a right, not a duty, so vaccination shouldn’t be forced.

Agree or disagree: Surveillance cameras are an invasion of privacy.

Surveillance cameras are an invasion of privacy for some reasons.

First, such cameras can check our whereabouts. Sometimes, we don’t want anyone to know where we are. For example, if I have a clandestine meeting, I don’t want to inform anyone of it. Everyone has a secret to be respected.

Second, such cameras can record videos, which remain for good. For instance, if I run for Parliament, past films may be used to compromise my reputation. The right to be forgotten should be guaranteed.

Essentially, security is incompatible with privacy, so surveillance cameras always invade people’s privacy.

Should wealthy nations compensate developing nations due to the impact of climate change?

Wealthy nations should compensate developing nations for some reasons.

First, climate change is mainly from developed countries, as they emit more carbon dioxide. Economic activities create a deteriorating climate, contributing to the predicament of nations. So, they are responsible for the victims.

Second, compensating developing nations contributes to international cooperation. The more friends you have, the larger your influence will be. In addition, connections with other countries result in sustainable economic stability, especially for nations where food self-sufficiency is low and natural resources are scarce like Japan.

Climate crisis is a problem for all people, hence, wealthy nations should help poor ones.

Are recent scientific and technological advances leading to a safe and healthy future for all of us?

Such advances aren’t always leading to such a future for some reasons.

First, science and technology may pose a hazard. For example, nuclear power is beneficial to produce massive energy, however, like in Fukushima, inflicting undesirable massive damage, too. Science and technology are sometimes perilous as they may be beyond human control.

Second, science and technology may harm the environment. For instance, industrialization contributes to convenience, although it also leads to environmental pollution and global warming, threatening people’s health. How to use science and technology is left to people.

Science and technology are a double-edged sword, so they don’t necessarily promise a bright future.

AI will dominate the world: Factual or Science Fiction?

AI won’t dominate the world for some reasons.

First, people act on emotions. For example, when 10,000 people can be saved at the cost of one person’s life, AI will decide to abandon the one, however, his or her parents wouldn’t give their child to others. People often prioritize their sentiments.

Second, we have bonds. Even if we don’t want to obey our bosses or clients, we are forced to do so as we fear losing our careers. On the other hand, we can ignore AI, although its judgment is rational, so AI cannot govern people.

AI is a capable adviser, but that it will become a ruler is just a pipe dream.

Can business be both profitable and ethical?

Business can be profitable and ethical for some reasons.

First, the basis of business is to bring clients happiness. Sellers don’t sell products or services but deliver customer satisfaction for fees. To be customer oriented yields a profit, so dealers should be true.

Second, companies should win loyal customers. In the short term, sellers may earn money by deceiving their buyers, however, to continue the business, they should keep their customers they have. To be sincere is indispensable to stay profitable.

So, business should be ethical to be profitable.

Can art promote peace?

Art can promote peace for some reasons.

First, art can spread to many people. For example, Pablo Picasso painted Guernica to tell the misery in the town during the Spanish Civil War. The picture continues to tell it now. Artwork could be remembrance.

Second, art represents the ideal world. Indeed, conflicts have arisen and will arise, however, we also hope for peace. For instance, a Ukrainian welder makes iron flowers from weapons and ammunition to embody peace. Art can convey such emotions.

The flower of peace needs a seed. It’s art.

Does money have too much influence in politics?

Money has too much influence for some reasons.

First, superpowers with a lot of money have more power against other nations. For example, small countries around the world depend on Chinese financial resources, struggling with debts. China goes too far.

Second, domestic politics need capital. For instance, the government supplies money to the public by issuing government bonds, which means politicians prioritize short-term results to win elections, and pass the burden onto future generations. The dole-out measures undermine fiscal discipline.

So, money has too much influence in politics.

Will the human race one day destroy itself?

The human race won’t destroy itself for some reasons.

First, governments take actions against global warming. For example, the Paris Agreement requires economic and social transformation, contributing to reducing fossil fuels and promoting renewables to protect the environment.

Second, nuclear weapons are powerful enough to end humankind, although discussions on reducing them are continuing. For instance, many parties join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, talking about disarmament.

Indeed, mankind may damage itself, nevertheless, it’s committed to not making it final.

Do humans pay enough attention to the rights of animals?

Humans don’t pay enough attention for some reasons.

First, people tend to destroy animals for entertainment, not to secure food. For example, overhunting and overfishing, like poaching African elephants for ivory, heightened the risk of extinction.

Second, the human race has exploited the environment, depriving creatures of habitats. For instance, forests and wetlands are indispensable for living beings, however, they have been developed by mankind, being reduced, deteriorated or even eliminated.

Humans have to kill other species to live, however, they often do so to enjoy themselves.

Will infectious diseases become a greater threat to humanity in the future?

Infectious diseases will become a greater threat for some reasons.

First, the global population is continuing to increase, rising vulnerability to infectious diseases. Furthermore, in developing countries, many poor families have many children in the poor public health and medical system, who are susceptible to an infection.

Second, human development creates conditions conducive to infectious diseases. For example, the exploitation of lands increases the chances of contact between humans and wildlife carrying unknown pathogens.

Civilization brings numerous benefits to the human race, although it also fosters the peril of infectious diseases.

Is it possible for developed countries to sustain present standards of living?

It’s possible for some reasons.

First, new types of food technologies have advanced. For example, using vertical farming, it’s possible without ground, namely, vegetables and fruits are able to be grown in a building. The so-called “plants for plants” can be created in metropolises.

Second, the world can develop itself with renewable energy. Fossil fuels will be depleted sooner or later, however, renewables are sustainable and don’t emit carbon dioxide, helping maintain or even expand the economy.

So, developed countries can sustain present standards of living.

What’s vertical farming? Could you explain it in detail?

Vertical farming is the practice of growing crops in vertically stacked layers in a structure. It can increase crop yield with a smaller land, and cultivate a larger variety of crops at once, because crops don’t share the same plots. In addition, because of its limited land usage, it’s less disruptive to the native plants and animals, leading to further conservation of the local flora and fauna.

Should governments subsidize renewable energy?

Governments should subsidize renewable energy for some reasons.

First, renewables ought to be introduced to promote decarbonization. Nuclear energy also helps, nevertheless, it’s very perilous as it produces nuclear waste and may inflict devastating damage like in Chornobyl and Fukushima.

Second, renewables are necessary to secure energy supply. Non-producers of fossil fuels are forced to depend on producers, therefore they need to achieve energy independence and should make use of renewable energy as an effective way.

So, renewables should be supported by authorities.

Do you think climate change could be a driver of infectious diseases by bringing long-dormant viruses back to life?

Climate change could be a driver of infectious diseases for some reasons.

First, global warming facilitates the spread of infectious diseases. For example, mosquitoes, which carry some plagues such as malaria, proliferate as temperatures go up. Besides, elevated water temperatures may aggravate water quality, boosting the epidemic of cholera.

Second, those who lose their real estates due to rising sea level are forced to open up a new region, bringing disruption to the ecosystem. For instance, the development of lands enhances the chances of contact between humans and wildlife with unknown pathogens.

So, climate change could bring long-dormant viruses back to life.

Can the consumption of meat be ethically justified?

It cannot be justified for some reasons.

First, we humans are omnivores, who can survive by only eating plants and drinking water. If we are carnivores, we have to eat other creatures to live. However, as this isn’t the case, we don’t need to kill them for ingestion.

Second, animals have emotions like people. Some research shows that when being slaughtered, animals will suffer. Hence, we shouldn’t distress them for us and should respect the right to existence.

So, we should stop consuming meat finally.

Is information technology changing news media for the better?

Information technology is changing news media for the better for some reasons.

First, information technology advances PR. In the past, media could promote programs or articles only in limited ways, such as commercials or paper advertisements. But now, they can use SNS to promote PR activities. SNS can reach a wide audience.

Second, information technology improves immediacy. For instance, formerly, news was sent with TV programs or paper materials, being difficult to tell immediately. But now, we can carry information right after events occurred. It’s good news for journalism.

So, information technology can make news media better.

Which should school curriculums emphasize more, competition or cooperation?

School curriculums should emphasize cooperation more for some reasons.

First, people cannot beat Generative AI like ChatGPT. Such AI has advanced and now can write a thesis enough to pass the examination instantly. Even if a person makes the best efforts, he or she isn’t able to exceed AI.

Second, people should cooperate to work on a project. They have different abilities, hence, when complementing each other, it’s possible to achieve a higher goal. Through cooperation, individuals can accomplish what is beyond themselves.

So, school curriculums should prioritize cooperation over competition.

Can the world hunger be eliminated?

The world can eliminate hunger for some reasons.

First, aquaculture has advanced. For example, inland aquaculture can control the breeding environment, enhancing productivity while reducing the environmental load. Thanks to the method, humans don’t need to depend on oceans or rivers, which also leads to preserving marine organisms.

Second, agriculture in water has developed. For instance, using vertical farming, it’s possible without ground, namely, vegetables and fruits are able to be grown in a building. The so-called “plants for plants” can be created in harsh environments.

So, the world can overcome hunger in the future.

What’s vertical farming? Could you explain it in detail?

Vertical farming is the practice of growing crops in vertically stacked layers in a structure. It can increase crop yield with a smaller land, and cultivate a larger variety of crops at once, because crops don’t share the same plots. In addition, because of its limited land usage, it’s less disruptive to the native plants and animals, leading to further conservation of the local flora and fauna.

Does watching foreign movies really help in language learning?

Watching foreign movies really helps for some reasons.

First, people can learn vivid idioms via movies. For example, Japanese students usually use the phrase “make me angry,” but I remembered the phrase “piss me off” in a film. Movies teach foreigners real linguistic usage.

Second, movies can make people understand foreign cultures. For instance, I saw an event called a “prom” in a movie. Most Japanese don’t know about such a party as it doesn’t exist in Japan.

Movies help foreigners learn practical expressions in realistic environments, so watching them is useful.


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